
Shamanic Sound Bath Journey & Spirit Song 9th June 2024 Scarborough Buddha Shack

Shamanic Sound Bath Journey & Spirit Song 9th June 2024 Scarborough Buddha Shack


Shamanic Sound Bath Journey & Spirit Song 9th June 2024 Scarborough Buddha Shack

Embark on a transcendent shamanic sound bath healing journey & Spirit Song, as I skillfully weave the harmonious vibrations of various Native American Instruments and New World Instruments. Immerse yourself in the therapeutic resonance of these sacred sounds, allowing them to guide you on a profound exploration of inner healing and spiritual rejuvenation.. Explore testimonials by clicking here.

During this session, the focus is on healing the body by purifying the aura, harmonising and cleansing the chakras, eliminating unwanted blockages, and releasing ancestral energies that are no longer necessary. In addition, in Spirit Song, I channel the ancient Native American tongues and light language of the soul into a harmonious journey of transcendence through sound

Donation is £10  – Booking is essential: You can book here: or Scan the code below: