The Journey of a Musician, Mystic, and Healer

I’m Chevi, also known as PremChevi, a chosen spiritual name that signifies the connection between love and music. Recognised as a freedom warrior.

I am a dedicated practitioner specialising in sacred singing for the soul, blending breathwork and sound healing to guide individuals on their healing journeys. Modalities include expertise in Pranayama (breathwork), sound therapy, light language (overriding lower vibrations with higher vibrations), and shamanic healing. These modalities create transformative experiences that elevate the spirit and harmonise the body and mind.


Pranayama derived from the ancient practice of yoga, is the art of controlled breathing. It involves various techniques designed to regulate and deepen the breath, enhancing the flow of prana (life energy) throughout the body. By practicing Pranayama, individuals can reduce stress, increase mental clarity, and improve overall physical health. This practice helps achieve a state of calm and balance, making it an integral part of the healing process.

 Sound  Healing

Sound healing is a holistic practice that uses the vibrational frequencies of sound to promote healing and well-being. Instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, shamanic drums, didgeridoo, Native American flutes etc, vocal techniques along with sacred singing, are employed to create therapeutic sounds. These sounds resonate with the body’s natural frequencies, helping to release emotional blockages, alleviate pain, and foster deep relaxation. This expertise in sound therapy allows clients to experience profound shifts in their energy and emotional states.

Light Language

Light language is a form of vocal expression that transcends traditional spoken language, involving the use of sounds and tones to convey higher vibrational energy. It is believed to bypass the logical mind, directly interacting with the soul and energy body. By overriding lower vibrations with higher ones, light language can facilitate emotional and spiritual healing, clear energetic blockages, and elevate consciousness. This practice helps individuals attune to higher frequencies and enhance their spiritual growth.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is an ancient practice rooted in indigenous cultures that involves connecting with the spiritual world to facilitate healing. It includes various techniques such as soul retrieval, energy extraction, and journeying to other realms to gain insights and healing power. Shamanic healing aims to restore harmony and balance within an individual’s soul and energy field. Integrating shamanic healing practices helps clients reconnect with their inner selves, heal past traumas, and restore their natural vitality. I work with a very powerful Medicine woman within me.

By combining these powerful modalities, a comprehensive approach to healing is offered, guiding individuals towards greater harmony, health, and spiritual fullfillment.  Read testimonials from my clients. 

I also specialise in:

  • Psychic Mediumship
  • Singing For Health
  • (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Teaching meditation
  • NLP
  • Life coaching
  • & much more…
A full list of qualifications can be seen here


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she is truly amazing

I decided to book in for reiki whilst on a weekend away in Scarborough. I had never met Chevie before…….but something told me I had to go into her shop whilst I was in the market hall. wow just wow she was able to tell me things about myself and my body without me informing her about anything in advance…..she is truly amazing and I highly recommend anyone who is in Scarborough even if it’s for a visit books in with her.

Charlotte harmony

Healing & the energy in the room was very powerful

I am Ken, a part-time wheelchair user. I have a number of health issues, but my main reason for seeing Chevie was to see if aligning my Chakra’s would help with my Fibromyalgia pain level. I have had two personal Shamanic chakra sound healing sessions with Chevie.
Chevie is a lovely charming caring lady. Chevie set me at ease & talked me through how the sound healing worked. I have also joined Chevie in a Shamanic group healing & the energy in the room was very powerful & I felt really blessed to be part of it. I said powerful, but at the same time, very gentle, peaceful. To say everyone felt a lot better, more energised after it would have been an understatement. It is hard to really say what happened in the room other than pure love for everyone in the room was very powerful. For a number of days after, I had very little pain for at least 5 days.

Chevie is a lovely charming caring person & only has a pure heart & soul. If you have been thinking of giving a sound healing ago, give it a go. I know you will not regret it.

Kenneth Skill

This lady is the real thing

I would just like to say what an unexpected find..

I came to Scarborough for a long weekend with my friend. We came across Chevie in the indoor market on the lower level, we saw a free social drop in session and being a spiritual lady my friend and myself walked in. All I can say from the moment we entered we was made so welcome and with permission a few spiritual messages where shared, I cried happy tears. I then booked a shamanic Crystal healing/Reiki session. What a wonderful experience from start to finish again tears of with held grief and bottled up emotions poured from me. Chevie held a space for me and just kept going. She worked on every area that was an issue without me even telling her a thing. She shared some beautiful messages and left proofs that was impossible to know without inside help. I came away feeling calm and lighter than I have felt in a long time. I have come home feeling different and ready to embrace new chapters and close doors and let go of old ones that no longer serve me. Chevie has a very gentle way about her but do not be deceived by that, she has a real gift that so many people I have visited in the past lacked. Chevie also gave healing to my dog Harvey, he has hip displacer and he would have stayed all day he went straight to her and turned his hips to Chevie’s hands This lady is the real thing ! Thank you Chevie I would happily travel 2hrs to see you again

Angela Smith

highly developed Shamanic healer,

I highly recommend a visit to the Buddha Shack to experience a variety of healing with Chevy. She is a highly developed Shamanic healer, who offers a range of meditations, sound healing and Tarot readings. The environment is very relaxing and cosy. I always feel so calm and peaceful after a visit to enjoy the guided meditations and healing. If your feeling stressed from everyday life, the Buddha Shack is the place to go!

kate Graham

The best Sound Healing I’ve had

I have had sound healing previously but this was the best easily the best I had, the energy was incredible and I felt thoroughly recharged at the end of it. My wife has been suffering from some pain in her side but it had totally gone by the end of the session. I can thoroughly recommend this and will be going again.

Ian Cottle

Healing words

I met Chevi for the first time this week and I benefited immensely from her advice and insight. I will definitely return at some point perhaps for a healing session or meditation.

Penny Cullen

awesome experience

What an awesome experience I had with the music and voice healing from Chevie. The whole experience was amazing. Chevie is a talented and understanding healer . She is very professional and her work with her spirit guides is awesome. I highly recommend Chevie in her Buddha Shack in the Vaults in Scarborough.

Janet Wildman

Spot On Mediumship Reading

I had a mediumship reading with Chevi in her unit in Scarborough at the market vaults. I didn’t even know an underground market even existed!! Alot of things she said were spot on, and i have recommended her to my friends. I would definitely recommend her. She also does reiki healing and shamanic healing.

Wendy jackson

Amazing healings

I’ve had 2 healings with Chevi. The first was using drums and North American Indian flutes. The music was beautiful and I didnt want it to end. I definitely felt something had cleared in me afterwards. The second one she channelled singing from what I felt was a shamanic medicine woman who was singing to my chakras! I could see her face change and knew it wasn’t her voice. I felt like I was with my tribe and was happy. I can highly recommend healings with Chevi. The meditation sessions are also worth attending. Lots of breath work and working with the chakras. Great workout for mind, body and spirit.! 💜💜




Fiona Elisabeth Randles