I am Ken, a part-time wheelchair user. I have a number of health issues, but my main reason for seeing Chevie was to see if aligning my Chakra’s would help with my Fibromyalgia pain level. I have had two personal Shamanic chakra sound healing sessions with Chevie.
Chevie is a lovely charming caring lady. Chevie set me at ease & talked me through how the sound healing worked. I have also joined Chevie in a Shamanic group healing & the energy in the room was very powerful & I felt really blessed to be part of it. I said powerful, but at the same time, very gentle, peaceful. To say everyone felt a lot better, more energised after it would have been an understatement. It is hard to really say what happened in the room other than pure love for everyone in the room was very powerful. For a number of days after, I had very little pain for at least 5 days.

Chevie is a lovely charming caring person & only has a pure heart & soul. If you have been thinking of giving a sound healing ago, give it a go. I know you will not regret it.